Friday, June 23, 2006

Spreading the Good News

The good news is being spread all over town through the ass horn that was made especially for telling about Jesus on the roadways and sidewalks of life. Jesus is a pixie. Jesus stands for carefree notions. Jesus endorses inappropriate statements blurted out at important social events. Jesus told me it's ok to put maxi pads on the shirts of large men. He told me I can say I am pregnant with dead babies to unsuspecting listeners. Jesus, what else can you tell us through the ass horn?


The Capt'n said...

Oh Jeebus, why you gotta hurt our sweet Mountain Man?

Mountain Man said...

I am being deposed by Jesus right now. There is a lawsuit being initiated in Whore Court.

Mountain Man said...

Hi Capt'n! Greetings. Greetings from a special place called Mount No Treatment for Psychosis. I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you really did it this time MM. I can't breathe over here!! Sweet Bejesus, I love you MM!!!

Hi Capt'n!

Anonymous said...

PD this is the time for you. The time is Jesus minus irritation so you will be free to enjoy life and simplicity in the making from now on. I am enthused to also mention that the asshorn is promising jello to you for your rituals in footwashing. I love you dearly and kindly all the way down to your hind quarters.

The Capt'n said...

Let's think of the asshorn as the horn of plenty

Anonymous said...

Thanks Frogs. I'll take enjoyment and simplicity in all forms...especially from you. I am trembling from excitement, as my feets need the lime-jello bath. Please soon now.


Mountain Man said...

The horn of plentiful ass-messages is preaching a new gospel to me. It tingles.

dubz said...

are there fresh veggies in the asshorn? i can't hear it. turn it up.

sloth said...

MM! I am loving the asshorn. tell: is it a two-way street, so to speak?

Heart As Arena said...

Butt Trumpet

The Capt'n said...

I remember Butt Trumpet from San Francisco. I'd see their stickers on the wall, which would say:
Butt Trumpet
"We're loud."

fairy butler said...


does jesus's message smell like burning chemicals? is the message oral, aural, anal, all of the above? how can i be received? i am ready and willing.

Mountain Man said...

THe message is all of the above. There are vegetables. If you are willing you will receive everything. Two way street, yes. Yes. I am bathed in fixations.

Anonymous said...

I am there too, in the widest part of the horn. I am there to dissuade the tapeworm from fouling the business of Jesus.

Mountain Man said...

Yay the blog is fixed. Now it is time to change my diaper.

Anonymous said...

I am zooming in on an execution date. I am not afraid, however, make a note that I am innocent.

sloth said...

yay and yay, mm... i would like to have a double-execution with you, is that okay? as an execution technique: an inaudibly deep sound is blasted into the asshorn, thusly liquefacting our innards.

Mountain Man said...

The liquefaction is part of my diet which may or may not in turn cause the worm tangles. I am unsure of the order. Sloth it is gloomy out, the sky will lick our heads with drips. It is possible. I need bacon.

sloth said...

the drips are penetrating, mm... algae blooms will follow; they support a whole ecosystem. worlds within worlds.

Anonymous said...

Yes and yes to all of the above. MM is back. Comments in the house.

Anonymous said...

I shout from the sinner's void. Hear the word of the anus. It is time for penetration of holy verse in the forms of the cartons and vases. THis is the day of the toot.

Anonymous said...

mm, seems like you're spreading more than good news. maybe some good feelings after a sense of slight discomfort and fear? breath breaths.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, the day of the toot! go hammy!

Anonymous said...

I am happy and thankful for the camera angle. DO not make me look into the mouth of the ass-horn-cornucopia. I feel faint. I see God. Say Ahhhhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is telling MM to take this class, Regi will pay for it. And be at the Slipper Room on 7/21 because Regi will be there then. (I will!!)

I have already told Jo about your fantastic dancing skills and butt trumpet orchestrations.

I have to go to a wedding on 7/22 in Stamford CT.

Anonymous said...

Regi, this is an interesting proposal however MM will not be around much in July making dance movement twirly classes impossible. He thanks you for your confidence in his zig zag motions. He thanks you for your kindness.

Anonymous said...

Hi MM! Hi MM's pant suit!

Anonymous said...

what's crazy is I can't tell if this is a photo of my mother or my brother who both like to dress up like Jesus

Anonymous said...

Dear Frogs and MM,


Anonymous said...

Hi Vapes. I am trying to coax it from the bowels of infinity. There are legs lying around, are they yours? Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Krix you were the crown of loveliness on the head of majesty last night. I don't know what that is but does it matter.

Anonymous said...

I love you...bowels and all.

Krixy is a star.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! tennessee breast augmentation surgeon Freddy vacuum cleaners klonopin side effects

Anonymous said...

you really need to get a life!
god wil deal with u though!
but i warn u,ur being pretty stupid!
why dont u try readin the bible n proving god doesnt exist! do your research!