As you can see, it is not made of Ham. But here is a syllogism for you to remember:
The lack of ham does not preclude magic.
A blog about the New York artworld, body modification, mythical beasts, getting high, and wanting to die.
A blog about the New York artworld, body modification, mythical beasts, getting high, and wanting to die.
MM you are so bohemian. Are you a turn of the century immigrant? I think you are on your way to becoming a local celebrity. Long live the paw.
This paw is so cute!!! I love paws. They are unbelievable. Go kitties!!!!
Cute cute cute! Paws make me nuts.
Maximum luck to you Man Mountain. Good sun shine on your paw and life. Most excellent magic without ham and wait.
My dear, this paw is an exquisite specimen.
thank you, YES!
Reminds me of a cat I murdered.
Declawed...just the way I like 'em
Hello Kitty
Soft pussy foot bring much sun. Today superior luck for product. Outstanding receive of fortune. Man has you favorable look?
You must not murder the sacred kitties! They are your friends.
I am very favorable-looking sushi. I am looking on the bright side. The bright side, as you know, is filled with possibility raining down on fur. I am thrilled to be emergent in this porous time.
Even if I am a little blameful.
Please do not forget about me MM.
Good. But I say no to life. I hate you.
It is very open here. Much polite Man Mountain. What blame you now?
The feeling of wet fur on my neck arouses me, Mountain Man. I was once on deck a Russian Junker in Malaysia with 14 beautiful seamen, drinking vodka and wearing ermine. A downpour ensued and this texture, this sticky wetness, will forever master my soft spot.
Tang, you sound the slut. Is this really appropriate? Do you think we care?
No one cares, Tang, Chastity is right. I mean it's nice for you, but what does it do for us?
My butler brought me a delicious cafe this beautiful morn and I was happy to enjoy it with this celebration of FUN. FUN is the hidden stream, the supercharged atom, the wind inside my mind. It must always prevail. No to lameness, paranoia, and injustice. Yes to FUN!
This paw points to the road we all must follow. It is waving a belated birthday greeting to the esteemed Ham Paw. Happy Birthday HP!
"wind inside my mind"
Are you an Airhead?
Hopefully it gives you something, bubble of nothing.
Hi Fairy Butler, thank you for the wellspring.
Lack of ability to focus on attention span for five minutes or less intervals causes cirrhosis. Watch for the symptoms.
Like, it's the cutest paw I've ever seen!
My my dear ones, cirrhosis is seriousis.
Dear Pink Eye,
I was referring to the string of FUN that unites all consciousness - the wind as a force of lightness and positivity. I am not sure what you mean by airhead, but I am happy to assume this identity. It's too early to get all combative. My head feels so full of air that I am lite and floaty. A real bubble brain - like a colorful balloon.
That sounds fffffriendly. A balloon head, bobbing around on top of your neck. Nice.
Wassup hooligans? Who wants to party like it's 1999?
hooray for today!!! even though I am having a crisis at the sub atomic level, it is not existential and therefore I am well adjusted and celebratory!! FUN is what I am hoping for today. Maximum FUN.
I had so much fun last night with my new fella...I'm walking on sunshine! It's time to feel good!
Krix, I am glad you are able to maintain the fun and differentiate the correct crisis response. Good for you! And PD, right on. Sadly I am beginning to feel a waning of the FUN force within me. How can this be happening before noon? I may have to return to my cave-dwelling peel and eats soon.
FB: It sounds as though the plague of the sub-otimal blood sugar levels has descended upon you. Please commence eating before disorientation overtakes you.
fairy B, you were sounding so much better. . .do not let go of the F.U.N. I think you can maintain. Save the peel and eats for later!
I will try harder and save my peel-n-eats for later. If I can hold out. I am hooking up with fabeebles outside for some "lunch." I will raise my blood sugar with the Krunk and return to the beigeness with a bright face and dulled reality. Must conjure the FUN.
Maybe you should squeeze in some Hopscotch after the KRUNK.
You are a sheep. Fall in line. You need to be counted.
I was thinking about Fabeebles this morning. mostly because I like to say his name.
Much tan joy Butler Fairy.
Sushi, do you have the FUN today?
Yippee, such fun! Thank goodness my trust fund hasn't run out!
Ms. Blameful: please stay out of the sun, or you'll be tempura
Much thanks and luck, Miss Sheepshacks.
The sun needs careful yes.
My batter is soft making.
Happy Krixfort.
Much FUN yes and luck.
Serious cloud making and clean.
The blossoms worthy.
Silly Billy Bum Bums, you sound like a spy. I am onto you.
Sushi your wisdom counts times ten plus five. Thanks!!!! Fairy B you are too too too special for the world. Say hi to Fabeebles for me. Is Fabeebles a man or a lady? Can he/she teach me some more about piss?
PD. Thanks for a lovely evening last night. You are very beautiful and charming so much. I am loving you like I never done before.
Oh Larry, you hunk of spunk! What time tonight?? I cannot wait for you to spread tahini on my breasts....
Tahini??????? Why I oughtta..... I am going to kill this "Larry G." PD if you are trying to get my goatnads, you are succeeding.
This Larry I think is unreal and possibly made of cheese. Look out for a strange smell.
Larry likes all sorts of spreadables MM--he is not tied to just peanut butter. He is not made of cheese as far as I can tell, but love Cheez Whiz.
Oh my word! Does this Larry bloke like a good lemon curd?
MM, he reeks of brie. It is not a good situation for PD. I believe she is succumbing to the worsening effects of blind rectitude.
PD, is your bum bleeding?
Y'all are just jealous of the intense sexual affair that is developing between me and my tailed wonder. PD!!! I do declare that you are the best fun.
I am declaring that Larry you are in deep trouble. You may be one melty cheese man by tomorrow or some day in the near future. Gnar on you.
My bum is still tingling with pleasure.
You stay away from Larry, MM!!!!!
Like, ew! You are screwing around with a block of like, cheese??
Help! I got a meteor on my neck!
What exactly does Larry smell like?
Larry is doomed to smelling like gorgonzola and brie. Yuck.
Larry smells like a man who has been dipping his stick all night--you dig?
Meow meow the rites of passage are coming to you PD. Larry is not part of it. Larry is fun of nothing, a prancing terror from the outer boroughs. Please ignore the attitudes of Larry. Larry is tumult in tandem with lack of asphyxiation in a bad way. Please stay away !!!!
Yes, Larry and I go way back. He is nothing but a lump of string cheese. He is a greasy fellow of the partially hydrogenated kind. I would not attempt to taste the stick.
No tasty, no stick, no. Cannot improvise this into roles of future.
Cheese process not bad, made nature like.
But man cheese bad luck, bad finding, no decent.
There is no sun in man cheese.
Hold throat tightway longtime.
This cheese make me feer real good. It is rike I am floating on a cloud.
Miramoto San loser Japanese fake
would be:
"This cheese make feer rear good. Rike am froating on croud."
I rike the paw.
Okay, okay, I was trying to fit in here with all you humorously superior creatures. Sorry
Shameful. No sun.
I blame all of you.
What are you talking about? Everyone knows that Parmesan is the "King of Cheese"
Oh PD, stop all that licking...it is driving me wwwwwwwwwwwild!
Mirimoto San Replica
Find sun in you. No shame other.
Soft inside most yielding.
It's a bit nippy in here tonight, no?
Death to the demoness, Allegra Geller.
This plot is twisted.
Listen, it doesn't matter if there are imposters made here or if mistakes are liver-bound or purple-sty-eye bound. Everybody be friendly or make idea of skies or go to the punishment, that's it, that's all.
Blame no one, it hurts you so. You cannot be boss of this, you cannot learn to fix through thou-hurting.
Will someone plaes explain the Japanese contingent?
I am interested in the Japanese of faux. No loser, no ideas false. Make happening into voice of reason and let.
Japanese are spawned from aliens like the Dutch and the Swedes. Shhhh. Please.
What you talkin' 'bout Niddel?
Gary, you may be dying.
I am recovering from a nasty bout of looseness.
I hate the self defecators. They give loosey a bad name.
Why you should get to know me: I am smart and funny with no emotional baggage. I like men who are sure of themselves without being cocky, though they still maintain a cock.
I am an stink-bomb of a dude looking for a prissy little twit to ramify.
I hate cocky and prissy. I hate people in general. Please defame and delete.
Niddel--I'll show you who's dying! Come down here!
Pink Eye please report to your mother's lap for a spanking.
Pink Eye I am you. I am Pink Eye. Pink Eye wears pampers. He is hateful.
I rove pine eye! Pink Eye reary reary funny.
Pamper Man...I need you, quick!
Please shut it, LK and get back into the sleeping bag with me. I want to give you my crud.
I just wanted you to all know that I survived and did not die. The whole time I've been alive and reading this blog. Thank you for your gutsiness.
Ah, there you are Frail Old Man!
ahhhhh Lion King! I for one am glad to see you! Welcome back. You too frail old man. Long live frail old man!
Most Gracious open sun.
Now happy lost bad.
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