I am in love with his paintings and the story of his sensate ways. I can barely take it. I am subsumed by the Romanticism and sublimity of another era. I believe in the magic and primitive mating rituals in the fire escape of the head. A quote from CB:
"The agonizing mystery of Infinity. It is impossible ever for man to comprehend it, but it is always there in the background of my life. Infinity in time and space; it is impossible to our puny minds, yet it has to be. I know that it should not concern me, that of more importance to me are the beauties of the world I know - the joy of sunlight on the glossy needles of hemlocks in early spring, or the flaming glory of a meadow of dandelions in bloom, the song of a songsparrow on a pussy willow branch hanging over a stream - yet there it is, eternally nagging at my consciousness."
The quote is from 1959. I have this beautiful hardbound catalogue from a recent show at DC Moore, complete with lovely essay by Bridget Moore. I highly recommend it as a purchase. Lots of reproductions.
I shared this with the class yesterday, and like clockwork, there was Bud, wide-eyed and excited, never having heard of Burchfield before, so excited by the butterfly tree and many others.
The third one down is the butterfly tree, doesn't it kick ass?
Jeez PD, I am not sure I have enough clams. But I can do a copy that will probably look nothing like it? What do you think? I still have plenty of time, your birthday isn't until July, so maybe I can do it.
Wow PD are you getting all dominant on MM? It's cute. Remember to twirl it.
ok pd, me bow. me paint. me little mm now. lower case.
Glowing radiance and substrata of leaf patterning goes straight into the frontal lobe and makes psychic trauma in the best way.
i would like to be indoctrinated into the ways of the infinity. let it carry me away on its pussywillow song into the dew of bliss and wonder. please infinity - wrap me with your fluttering wings while basking in daybreak/sunrise/smiling. i am most in love with number 1. the weeping tree of density and mystery. KICK ASS. (the first one reminds me of mandy's paintings a little too)
FB, I am trying to keep the nagging shitstorm at bay too, the worries, the hates. This is the only way. Softness and merging with the misapprehension of infinity.
mm, your post is almost bringing me out of my angry state this morning. I was feeling a rageful vent coming on - but the infinity is softening. maybe there is purpose and meaning in the world? chanks.
Ok maybe it's not the only way.
Blogger is posting weirdly again. Hi time warp.
This post is great but I am too far gone to be saved by some dazzling tree scenarios.
That makes total sense, based on the work I've seen of yours...he is my hero right now.
hi MM! burchfield is one of my favorite favorites!!!
Code name See1 for visualize, I like.......I am going to get in trouble today, I can feel it in my greasy hairs.
homicidal maniac! HEEL. get back inside of the FB, stay down low so no one can see1
No it is not wrong but I know this is going to post before yours now. Fie on you blogger. Making me seem tard-like.
see1 is code for "visualize"
is it wrong that I have already eaten 4 chocolates this morning?
WW! See1, I was talking to you but it posted before you. We are in some kind of fucked up anti-flow here.
my fiery member is glistening with confectionary delights!
Those lime green thongs from the other day are to blame for the bad karma.
Maybe you are right, Regi. Lime green thongs = trouble.
Hi MM! Thank you for the crazy hallucinatory images -- they match the Sloth brainscape today. Also the wormhole time warps are making the world a crazy Doppler funhouse.
Dear MM:
Love the pics - particularly #2 and 4. Here in the north country, the snows are receding leaving the barren ground and trees visible. No green thongs visible - the temperature is still chilly! Am eyeing the frisky squirrels and varmits in the back acreage...spring is still weeks off. Find myself eyeing the evident buds on trees, and scanning the ground for signs of life and renewal.
Vacation plans abound around me - flocks of snowbirds seeking sun and sand in the south.
US and I are just counting clams and hoping the basement floor gets poured shortly (drains had a few breaks - now fixed!).
no fun wearing thongs in the cold for obvious reasons. mm, what is the nagging shitstorm?
USB, I hope you and yours find sand and sun sometime soon like the birds you dearly mention. Say hi to your fixed basement for me. And hi to kitty too!
WW, there is no nagging shitstorm, it went away with the Burchfield. There is no more pain, no more wonder. I didn't even need the ambien this time. It's great!!!! The nagging shitstorm is the broken-down nature of my head, finding sick places to rest when all is healthy and fine. The nags of "you didn't do it right." But I am at a healthy distance I tell you.
Totally Martin!!! Agreed. Just like Van Gogh's drawings.
i love him, and Emily Carr. they are like shinto landscapists, every element of the landscape is imbued with spirits and energy.
Every mark is awake. That's my aspiration. Back to it.
I am hunching into the weedy grasses that gravitate upward to become harmless solid rays of light that you can punch with your hand - ouch. The leaves explode every which way and the bands and dots are energy made solid, stationary. Everything moves but stands still, that is the mystery.
Positive vibrations flow to the FB through the tree branches, the slabs and even the dog turds.
I just got back from the refinery and have drunk a beer and am feeling much improved but a bit squiffy so I'm going to not comment on b(urch)field (I don't know what that parenthesis means exactly) but whos splitting hairs? I look I see, jpegs not the real thing but i remember what it was like when I saw them...
trumpets trumping/hoisting banners/waving giant foam finger,cannons blasting,articulation is of no consequence.
corny you are cute. dimpleforth - i thank thee. the power of liquor and denial are strong inside now. and the kitten is present.
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