This is one of David Humphrey's paintings that will be in the 2-person show with Jeff Gauntt that opens tonight at Sikkema Jenkins. Here we have a young man whose thoughts are germinating into palm trees and neatly cut hard-boiled eggs. I want to tell him, look, you are not alone, you have many versions of yourself to keep you company, in both middle-age man and dog forms. You are ok, young man, you are in a magical land with spirits of woozy shapes to soothe you.
who let the dogs out? where am i? i eat brain.
i see you in there turkey vulture. just take it easy. i believe you are only a phantasm.
Love this relic. Cadmium yellow. yes.
or whatever that yellow/orange color is. beautiful.
I forgot to mention the rooster embedded near the ear and he does have one hand behind his head holding a ghost finger puppet. There is much play in and around the head and the building in the way way background is mid-construction. Very hope-making.
deviled egg tree = checkmate.
are you feeling better this morn mm?
Corny, what a great comment. I don't know what it means but I love it.
FB, I am in somewhat of pains. But I am optimistic for the future of the day. Still hoping to see shows before the opening. Will just rest up and be in denial.
call my cellaphona if you change you mind. i am going away from the computer now to begin the new time-management strategy. must step away from the blogs.
I refuse to alter my plans in any way. Gaping holes or no. I am a warrior of the arts plains.
I understand that fear. For what fun is there to be had at the dentist? It just ruins your day and then sometimes ruins the next.
MM you sounds better today, I feel your pain, I haven't gone to the dentist in over a year, I know they're going want to take all my teeth out and replace with dried corn so i just dont go. I'm VERY scared of the dentist.
Huh. My comment appeared before yours and yet I read yours first. I am all confusey.
No Sloth. Just 3 paintings, I believe. A statement of purity in the medium. The sculpture you refer to deserves a show all its own. Self-humper that it is.
I love that. Checkmate. Can I use it sometimes?
I think the egg-tree man is trying to take a step. Perhaps all that albumen will help grease the way. Can't wait to see it in person plus all the other stuffs. Will there be battery-powered sculptures?
Oops I wrote that before i saw you were in pains... Sorry MM.
Mostly what I mean by checkmate is that is ultimate fantasy, it doesn't get any better. Game over, we have a winner.
Why are my comments appearing before? I AM WEIRDED OUT. The only thing I can do write now are things from bed. Blog, drink cold coffee, read, maybe draw. I feel useless. But in a way WHO CARES???????? I will work in the shack tomorrow. Everything will be fine because we are living in the best of all possible worlds!!!!! I SEE THAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am chewing my way through this thread. It is a waxy thread, like floss.
Wow, now I feel stoned. The ghost finger puppet is haunting this thread
It's super weird. Gives me a feeling of being psychic for a second.
this has been happening on Logworld as well... very non-linear time effect.
There seems much cross-pollination betwixt the Humphrey/MM relic makin' these days. "Alone in the Tropics" and "Motivational Fiction" what can be born of this?
Dear anonymous,
My painting is not called Motivational Fiction, just for the record. It's called Clumps. The post was called Motivational Fiction because I was trying to motivate myself. The cross-pollination is due to the fact that we are united in the bonds of earthly notions. United by Jesus and George Bush.
Cross-pollination is natural & part of the process... helps keep it rich & interesting. It's influence, not hybridization.
There is a man installing new shades in the HQ right now. he is standing behind me drilling. It's unnerving. Exxactly like the dentist but less pain and better decor
Jesus and W. have much in common, having sacrifriced their own desires for ours...
oops, said it twice. Okay to remove forever, MM.
Anonymous, there is head-scratching over the non-sequitur, although your irony is appreciated.
Also they are both fans of shrimping
We shrimp all day long, into the night. The shrimps have colors on them that we share. We grind them into shrimp paste and smear them around.
Oh! I hope Jesus didn't sacrifice his love of shrimping for our paltry sins... that would be too much.
There are no sins, only bikini bottoms and tears to die in. I love eastward. I love the sea.
Paste leans eastward towards the sea, it has memory and wants to return to BikiniBottom.
crying now, just thinking about it...
I am still and I can feel the shrimp, the desires, Jesus and George Bush. It is very very powerful.
Jesus still shrimps. If you are still, you can feel it
I want dump trucks instead of teeth, aluminum foil instead of a face.
Corny, how cool that your dentist installs shades. I want shades instead of teeth!
goddamn that shit is weird - putting my posts before over and over....stoppit ether!!! you freak me out!!!!
You tell me Sloth. You tell me and I will do it. Perhaps I can murder someone this way, create mayhem and get away with it??? What can be done in this 2 minute advantage slot?
MM, you are on the 2-minute time-warp this morning... how can this be used to your advantage?
I am maiming my neighbors in my time slot.
this could be your superpower!
ah! eeeeevil superpower....
I hope so. Sloth. I feel weird. I may need to don the wig n' beard tonight and carry a sword.
blogger is scheduled to do maintenance tonight; maybe they'll fix this annoying glitch.
The Dentist just left, I've got new Bamboo blinds, I will roll them up to insert breakfast of champions, EGG SAMMY!
YES to the beard, MM! hide some deviled eggs in there as an homage and snack.
If you are taking requests I have a long list of people I need you to murder in your slippery time shifting. Lets start with jesus and george
yes, I say yes to the beard too
Yes to murder. I will take on George first because it may be a more straightforward kill. Jesus is the slippery one, he is feisty and shape-shifty.
I will slice it rough and tumble through Chelsea tonight with my sharp fierce sword. I would advise you to be nimble if you irk me in any way.
Good thinking. FB has a nice pair. I will ask her to bring them. I will just go bottomless until I see her. The beard offers a lot of coverage, my nether regions may not be exposed.
will you wear the rape-pants? they would certainly add to the superhero aspect.
rape-pants & beard & nothin' else, à la Lady Godiva...
there were 55 comments a minute ago and now there are 47. and now there are more.
Rape-pants beard and toeshoes so you can spin around like a danseur and kills crowds of people quick and EZ
Speaking of rape pants, my friend Mikey calles his black junker mercedes benz "the Rape Machine"
Corny, toe shoes, will do.
WW, blogger is being a bitch lately. They are making me think I have psychic powers and can kill people, as well as misnumbering comments.
hmmm. The rape machine. I like it. I want to call my car the date rape machine.
I heart date rape.
My Date Rape Machine is a Segway Human Transporter. I'll be arriving on it tonight and will rape as many dates as I can
i want to be date raped too. you can't force it. i want to satisfy the desires.
I love deviled eggs. and the devil.
sorry I got here so late. I was busy stickin it to the man.
MM, your time shifting device is very tricky. . .I kind of like reading through the twisty thread. Very much like Clumps.
MM: toe shoes with razors, like fighting cocks!
Corny, will you pimp out your Segway with a rape room?
SURE! I'm game!
The thing about date rape that's so great is that once you do it, you want to keep doing it. It's addictive, a self-replenishing cycle of desire upon violence. Segways in themselves are a form of rape. I want to get one too. We should all get them.
okay, I get the whole switch-post-comment thingy now. weird.
Hi Krix! Wanna get raped?
MM, maybe the pharmaceuticals have trancended into the ether. We are all experiencing post-dentist kookoo.
I like that idea very much. Take some of my kookoo and put it into you.
No one, PD. No one does not like them. That is for truth. Hence we are all one through this painting.
i want a blog camera so i can group cyber rape.
Yes WW. We must document this.
This is a beautiful painting. I see smoke on the water.
I see death and side dishes.
i see a pee cock.
I see a highway star!
I see a salad.
I see that too. I see internal bleeding. Jaundice, self-spying and desire for toasts.
I love this young fellow. He is so sweet and tender, like a pork chop on a Sunday.
We are watching this thread. Threats to King George are not taken lightly. THreats to the King Of Kings however, are just ludicrous. But we have passed on this thread to Pat Robertson. Shortly, he will be calling for a fatwa against you all.
I don't care. Let them call a fatwa. I still know how to kill Jesus and the other one. I am ready to fight.
Yeah, first we'll take down Jesus, then the smaller guy goes down, limb by limb, digit by digit, into the long painful tunnel of death.
i don't care either. i will make a jesus salad. i will slice pat robertson like a kalamata olive. i will drizzle bile over everything.
Yes.......now you're talking WW. Bile dressing, like a new-fangled form of Green Goddess dressing, except yellower, more bitter. Who will have to eat this salad?
That is too nasty. I take it back...
whoa, ya'll are on a roll! I feel like a porpoise who fell into a paint splatter machine, but 2 hours late. MM, I hope your recovery is smooth. Bringing it back to me, last year I got a wisdom tooth pulled and it too was kinda knarly. Sea Monkey drove me to my friend's family dentist in Tijuana and after many novacaine shots and what seemed like hours of wrenching, drilling, and yanking, the dentist and her team of assistants finally pulled it out. I did the trembling/shock thing, too. Afterwords Sea Monkey took me to her favorite Farmacia where we copped some antibiotics and a bag of soma, and the rest is mostly a blur. I like your beard.
Are you from Brokeback Mountain, MM?
Im trying to get evicted from KDP. "Sluts" keep walking in my room and Im embracing my crisis.
There are more than enough sluts for all of us. It is the time of the slut and there is no turning back.
Dear Regi, I do not wish to break your back.
Dear Capt'n, here's wishing I had a bag of Soma too. God bless you living so close to the border, you lucky bastard!!!! Argh, matey. The beard's back on. I have a dead dog instead of a parrot on me shoulder.
Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.
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